South africa stamp

Have a merry (and sunny) little Christmas in South Africa

by Andrew Hofmeyr

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride on a surfboard in the sea, Hey! Ja bru, I’m telling you, Chrismas in SA is lekker like a cracker!

Santa Claus SA

In South Africa, we are fed a diet of books published in the north. The Magical Faraway Tree, The Famous Five, Narnia series and the BFG. They all had their fair share of extended summer holidays and winters cosseted inside beside a raging fire. Added to this the experience of Christmas movies like the Grinch, Home Alone and A Nightmare Before Christmas and you’d forgive my confusion when Christmas came around and all I could see were swimming pools and green suburban grass… A friend from Durban once told me that Christmas for him was Santa Claus on a surfboard cruising into Durban's main beach!

Clifton beach cape town

Now, not all of us were fortunate enough to grow up by the sea BUT… Christmas in the southern hemisphere is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.

Christmas time is Summer Time

Christmas in South Africa is a time for frolicking outside. Our festive days are spent poolside or by the sea, dipping in and out of the warm waters, sunning oneself on hot bricks or yellow beach sand while you listen to the sound of the ocean. Christmas day is for testing out your newly acquired toys and other gifts, pump-action water pistols, soccer balls, Frisbees, bats and balls or drone and braai tongs. It is a time to spend with the family, children laughing and playing while adults relax in the shade. Its summer tie and the weather is easy.

Food Glorious Food

Braai time

While Christmas dinner, either on Christmas Eve or Christmas day often had the standard fare of roast turkey, gammon and Christmas pudding these were usually accompanied at some point in time with a gathering of extended family around the braai. Beer in hand, boerewors (Afrikaans sausage), steak, lamb chops (pronounced with a “chj”) and hamburger patties on the braai (Afrikaans BBQ). Potato salad, krummelpap (maize), tomatiesmoor (tomato based spicy herb sauce) and bread rolls waiting in the wings. Regardless of when and where, beach, park or suburban backyard, Christmas is a time to feast.


Being summer, it is also a time for watermelons, mangos and litchis. The juice runs sweetly down chins and arms and if the hosepipe isn’t handy then a dip in the nearest water source pool, river, dam or sea does just fine. It is an exemplary pairing of sticky fruits and outdoor summer living.

Johannesburg from the carlton centre

Johannesburg’s Big Secret

Johannesburg is known for many things. These include being the largest man-made forest in the world, its purple haze of Jacaranda trees in spring, the Newtown Cultural Precinct, Soweto and the Apartheid Museum. What is commonly known by those who have lived there but widely neglected by those who are blinded by its big city reputation, is the fact that it has one of the best climates in the world.

City of gold

One of the best-kept secrets about Johannesburg is that come the Christmas holidays, there is a mass exodus to the beach, anywhere coastal will do from Mozambique to Durban, the Eastern Cape or Cape Town. The result is a sense of tranquillity and quiet not usually associated with a big city. The Green spaces in Jozi are particularly lovely, oases of green with trees and water aplenty and you could do a lot worse than spending the day at Emmarentia Dam, Delta Park or the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens.

Johannesburg national botanical gardens

Emmarentia dam, johannesburg botanical gardens

Head for the Beach

There is always a bit of city rivalry between Durban, Cape Town and Jo’burg. Being Jo’burg-born I am more than a little biased so I’ll stay out of the fray by pointing out a few of the bonuses of the beach.

Durban beach-


The warm waters of Durban are world-famous. At Christmas time the masses head for Durban beachfront like a Mongolian horde. People from Johannesburg, Bloemfontein and around seek out the warm KwaZulu-Natal waters and a chance to escape the landlocked interior. While Durban's main beach is a spectacle not for the faint of heart, the KwaZulu Natal coastline is exquisite and huge. Take your pick from any number of breathtaking and relatively peaceful beaches.

Umhlanga rocks

Boulders beach cape town

Cape Town

Cape Town really needs no introduction. One of the most beautiful cities in the world is graced with Table Mountain and surrounded by majestic sea. Take your pick of entertainment and beaches, you really cannot go wrong. My top 3 listed below.

Cape Town Carnival

Zeitz mocca, cape town

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