Gorilla trekking Africa

Gorilla Safari FAQs: A Quick Guide to Gorilla Trekking in Africa

by Andrew Hofmeyr

Gorilla trekking in Africa presents an extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime experience. This quick guide answers the most common gorilla safari FAQs, such as where can you go gorilla trekking? Is gorilla trekking safe? And how fit do you need to be to trek with gorillas? If you like the idea of mountain gorilla trekking but want some of these questions answered, then this is the no-fuss guide to gorilla trekking for you!

Africa Gorilla Trekking FAQs: Quick Links

Mountain gorilla, Bwindi National Park

Gorilla Trekking Safari Logistics

Where can I go gorilla trekking in Africa?

There are 3 East African gorilla trekking destinations; Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Mountain gorillas live in the forested areas of the Virunga Mountains that straddle the border between the DRC, Uganda, and Rwanda.

Mountain Gorilla Trekking Destinations

Rwanda scenery

Where is the best place to see gorillas in Africa?

Rwanda is widely considered to be the best gorilla trekking destination in Africa. This is because Volcanoes National Park is just over 100 km / 62 miles from the capital city, Kigali, and is therefore easily accessible. Volcanoes National Park has 13 gorilla families that are well-habituated to humans and relatively sedentary making them easier to track and find.

Hills of Bwindi Forest Park in Uganda

Do I need to book my gorilla safari in advance?

Yes. Booking your gorilla trekking permits in advance is essential. Gorilla trekking is extremely popular and is tightly controlled with limited permits available. It is recommended that you book at least 6 months in advance, particularly if you are travelling during the high gorilla safari season from July to September.

Do I need to book a gorilla trekking tour?

The bulk of gorilla trekking permits are sold in bulk to tour operators. It is therefore advisable to book a tour to avoid disappointment.

How many days do I need for a gorilla trekking safari?

When visiting Rwanda or Uganda, we recommend a minimum of 3 days to allow for stress-free travel. A minimum of three days for Rwanda gorilla trekking or four days for Uganda gorilla trekking is recommended. This includes travel time and the trekking day. For logistics in the DRC, a slightly longer trip is advised.

Nyungwe national park

What is the best time of year for gorilla trekking?

The most popular gorilla trekking months in Africa are during the dry season from June to September. The short dry season between December and February is also good. That said, because of the equatorial climate, gorilla trekking is considered an all-year-round activity.

Can I take my 5-year-old to see the mountain gorillas in Africa?

No. Only people over the age of 15 are allowed to obtain gorilla trekking permits.

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Rwanda travel

Gorilla Trekking Practicalities

How many people are in a gorilla trekking group?

Gorilla trekking groups are limited to 8 tourists per group, plus guides, trackers, and porters.

How difficult is gorilla trekking in Africa?

The best advice is to know your own fitness level. Considering that gorillas live in mountainous terrain above 2,000 m, it is safe to say you need to be relatively fit. However, even if you are not the fittest person, you should not let this stop you. Trekkers are often grouped according to fitness levels, with harder-to-reach families assigned to the fittest adventure seekers. In addition to this, you can hire a porter to carry your backpack or you. Hiring a porter is an excellent way to support local communities.

What should I wear for gorilla trekking?

Hiking in tropical rainforests can be tough. Worn-in hiking boots, a hat, long-sleeved shirts, good hiking trousers, gaiters to protect your legs, gloves to protect your hands and a good rain jacket are essential. Optional extras are walking sticks and a dry change of clothes. Don’t forget waterproof bags for your belongings, as well as a backpack, water, and insect repellent.

Uganda Gorilla Safari in Africa

How long is a gorilla trek in Africa?

Gorilla trekking duration varies according to your destination and fitness level. The gorilla trek will take 1 to 2.5 hours in each direction. Once the gorillas have been located, visitors will spend about an hour with the gorilla families before heading down.

What is gorilla trekking like?

Mountain gorilla trekking can be tough. Hiking uphill on dirt tracks in high humidity, and sometimes rain, fending off stinging nettles, thorns, insects, and rampant vegetation. Expect hot, sweaty, muddy, and breathless. Many people choose to hire a porter to help with trickier terrain and to carry backpacks. Once your gorilla family has been located, you will have 45 minutes to an hour to sit with them and observe. Being close to these gentle apes is an exceptional experience that many people struggle to put into words.

Gorilla trekking Rwanda

Will I get to see the mountain gorillas?

The gorilla families in Rwanda, Uganda, and DRC are all carefully monitored for both their protection and for science. For this reason, it is extremely rare for trekking groups not to encounter gorillas. In addition to regular monitoring, trackers are employed by the parks to locate the family groups, thus adding to the probability of a successful mountain gorilla encounter.

Gorilla trekking Rwanda

How close can I get to the wild gorillas?

Gorillas share around 98% of our DNA, and as such are extremely susceptible to human viruses. For this reason, gorilla trekking guides are trained to keep a respectful 7m. However, gorillas are not aware of safe distances and wild animals being unpredictable, a close encounter is not impossible.

Can I take photographs of the mountain gorillas?

Yes! Photography is encouraged but flashes are strictly prohibited.

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Kigali, Rwanda

Gorilla Trekking Safety

Is gorilla trekking safe?

Generally speaking, gorilla trekking is safe. Gorillas are generally sedate and peaceful creatures. The family groups that are visited are habituated and accustomed to humans. While gorillas are wild animals living in a wild environment, instances of inter-species aggression are rare.

Humans are another topic. Both Rwanda and Uganda are politically stable and safe countries, which contributes to their popularity for the gorilla trekking experience. Virunga National Park, along the eastern border of the DRC, has been plagued by unrest caused by Mai Mai militia groups. This situation is carefully monitored and the park is closed if deemed unsafe. If your desire is to visit Virunga National Park and the DRC, keep careful tabs on the Virunga website which has up-to-date information.

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Uganda Gorilla Trekking

How Much Does Gorilla Trekking Cost?

Due to its popularity, gorilla trekking permits in Rwanda are the most expensive, followed by Uganda, and then the DRC. Aside from the permit costs, good gorilla safari deals can be found in both Uganda and Rwanda.

Gorilla Trekking Permit Costs

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Bwindi Impenatrable Forest, Uganda

Miscellaneous Gorilla Trekking Questions

Is gorilla trekking good for conservation?

The popularity of gorilla trekking has a direct impact on the communities that surround the national parks. The gorilla trekking permit fees are funnelled toward conservation efforts that are geared toward keeping gorillas safe. Guides, porters, and hotel staff are all direct beneficiaries, and community-based tourism initiatives further aid local communities. As a result, communities take pride in their national treasure, and poaching is frowned upon. The mountain gorillas are monitored more closely providing an additional layer of protection, and gorilla numbers have steadily increased to over 1000 individuals. For more about the impacts of gorilla trekking see: Is gorilla trekking good for conservation?

Is gorilla trekking worth it?

Yes. Getting close to these magnificent primates is an amazing experience. Gorilla trekking, alongside Big 5 safaris, are the two most sought-after African safari experiences.

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Gorilla trekking Rwanda

How to Plan a Gorilla Trekking Safari?

If you would like to learn more about gorilla trekking in East Africa, check out our comprehensive gorilla trekking guide here, and browse African Budget Safaris gorilla trekking tours to Uganda and Rwanda here

Compare our Rwanda gorilla trekking tours and Uganda gorilla trekking tours.

Our experienced travel consultants will be happy to answer any of your gorilla trekking questions and help you take the next step towards your gorilla trekking experience of a lifetime.

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